Thursday, 27 January 2011

Protesting in a Democracy (or not)

In 2009 The Local Democratic Economic Development and Construction Act was passed that made it law that all local government authories must have in place by the end of 2010, an e petition service so that members of the public could easily make their views know! A DCC document states that this service was to be in place by 15th December 2010. Lots of other County Councils have the service up and working but not DCC.
Dorset citizens have been denied their democratic right to protest because DCC has not put this service in place. This means the people protesting the library cuts, the elderly care cuts and the lollipop cuts must all submit paper petitions.
Is it a co-incidence that the proposed cuts came out at the beginning of December and a simple means to protest, which was due then, was not available? Interstingly, I learnt today that the e petition service for Dorset residents will go live on Monday. That is the last day that petitions objecting to proposed cuts can be submitted to County to be considered in the budget discussions. Should I mention the word CONSPIRACY? Democracy my foot!

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