Dorset Couny Council say they will provide uniforms etc for volunteers, so I have done a little research into the practicalities of this. To properly dress a crossing person in all weather uniform with hat costs £100. Add onto that the cost of carrying out the training, the CRB check and the medical. So for example if the community suddenly had an attack of Big Society spirit (totally unlikely) and at Holy Trinity School 21 volunteers came forward to share the responsibility of manning three crossings, i.e. one day a week every three weeks (sounds fair). 21 uniforms £2,100 plus extras for training etc. One month for a CRB check to come through, then the volunteer changes their mind, gets pregnant, gets a safer volunteer role or whatever. Over a year with changes in volunteers it could cost in excess of £3,000 to DCC. Wth all these costs DCC will not be able to save the money they envisage and the service will be a shambles.
What will happen if a volunteer does not do their job properly and a child gets hurt, will all these volunteers have to have public liability insurance as well?
If a volunteers does not turn up an ordinary parent or teacher cannot step in and do the role because they can be prosecuted for doing so. Follow this link to a story where a Devon parent was told not to man the crossing outside his children's school. This must be a paid role with central management and proper relief cover for sickness and holidays.
Welcome to the Save Our Lollipop People blog site. This blog was started to highlight the protest in Dorset against cuts to the School Crossing Patrol Service. This is now a national concern and the protest needs to reach the very top. On this site you will find resouces, facts and ideas about how to protest in your area. Our ultimate aim is a change in the law so that this essential service is protected in the future.
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