Thursday, 17 February 2011

Dorset County Council Stand Firm

I am very sorry to announce that despite my best attempt in the County Council Chamber today I was unable to change the minds of the Tory Majority. I was slightly under the impression that listening to me and my fellow petitioner Liz Howard was a formality as the decision had been made before the meeting started. However, this has simply strengthened my resolve to try and make a permanent change to the law so that the School Crossing Patrols become a statutory service and cannot be cut from under us and our children. Yes, I did state all relevant facts about cost of deaths on the road and the evidence of danger to volunteers but none of these facts were addressed. Finally, I do want to say that if you are reading this as a Lollipop Person please don't lose heart entirely and hand in your notice, we really need your continued service and we will go on fighting.
On a happier note someone in the country received the award for Best Lollipop Person today, if anyone knows who it is please let us know.

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